Asking someone how they relax is like asking someone what their favorite dessert is. There are multiples ways for people to relax but what is your definition of relaxation? Is it hanging out with friends for a evening out? Would you rather be alone and isolated from the world for a bit. Many of these answers depends on the environment you live, career you have chosen, type of personality you boast, and people who make up your world. Relaxation is a matter of personal choice; however, here are a few options you may find appealing...
Top 10 For the Need to Be Isolated Individual:
1. Pray
There is no better way to relax then to start a dialogue with the Lord about life.
2. Take a bath
Soothing music, bubbles, Epsom salts, candles, and/or a magazine can add to your down time unless you prefer to meditate in solitude.
3. Go for a Run, Walk, or Stroll
Sometimes the only way to get away is to, literally, run or walk away! Leave your responsibilities to someone else and get away.
4. Take a Nap
What better way to get away from everything than to turn your brain and body off for some much needed rest.
5. Eat
Step away from the people/responsibilities you are intertwined with to feed yourself. Nutritional snacks/sustenance combined with isolation is sure to energize your body.
6. Read
Immersing yourself into another world is a great way to step away.
7. Meditate
Close your eyes and concentrate on your inner self. Shut down your mind to all around you and breathe deeply.
8. Practice Yoga
The deep stretches and breathing are great to awaken your body while renewing your mind.
9. Get a Massage
Deep tissue massage is shown to have multiple affirmative health benefits including but not limited to the muscles, mind, and organs.
10. Drink a cup of tea/coffee
Just as heat relaxes muscles, heat can also relax the mind. This can be done alone or with friends.
Top 10 for the Extroverted Social
1. Grab Dinner with Friends
Going out to eat to unwind with close friends is sure to take your mind away from immediate demands.
2. Go Dancing
The rhythm of movement combined with the pleasure of a partner is sure to make you smile.
3. Watch a Movie
This one can be done alone or with friends but watching movies is always better with someone to bounce your thoughts off of.
4. Take a class
Whether is a sport, spin class, sewing, knitting, painting, etc. Meeting up with individuals with similar interests is always fun!
5. Go on an adventure!
Spelunking, hiking, rock climbing, and rappelling are all sports one can do alone; however it is not recommended due to safety reasons. Take a friend and have fun!
6. Volunteer for an Animal Shelter
This may not be human interaction, but it is interaction with an animal who very much needs some loving attention.
7. Start a Project
Design a new room for your home, make a new craft, and consult others as you progress or invite them to join you.
8. Volunteer
Yes, I know I already mentioned volunteer work but this time I mean for humans. Many organizations can use help such as your local library, the senior citizen center, local schools, hospitals, and other organizations and non-profit groups.
9. Talk to a friend
Yes, I mean talk. Not text messaging or emailing. Meet a friend in person or simply make a phone call. Human interaction is priceless.
10. Start a Group
Earlier I wrote "take a class." This is not the same because in this category, you are the one to lead the group. Find a particular interest that helps you relax and create a group. Maybe you like to walk dogs, garden, or read. Start a group that enjoys the same activities you do.
Learning to relax is really based upon learning what works for you. What do you do to relax? Is what you do based upon your personality (introverted vs extroverted) or upon your life circumstances?